Voice hack(Conker's Bad Fur Day N64 [E]) 81012954 2007 81012956 XXXX XXXX=voice digit 0000=mrs. bee 0001=oh dear oh dear. oh you saved the day, i must thank you with this(beta) 0002=wasps 0003=Eat lead, mother buzzer 0004=oh great, just what i wanted(beta) 0005=devil guys 0006=oh no, i go, try get ME! 0007=Mad Pitchfork 0008=do ya smell like two?!, ooh, it sure smells GOOD.(beta) 0009=that was nice!(BURP), i like another one though if that's ok. 000A=Marvelous, ONE MORE should JUST about do it. 000B=OH NOO, i think i've had TOO MUCH. 000C=that way, or that way?.. hmm.. (sniff), that way smells a bit pooey.. hmm, let me see.. Hm. 000D=you better get this fat ass bitch off my back pronto 000E=sweet corn being dragged by poo hand 000F=i couldn't lasted a moment longer... 0010=Hi, you must be Burt 0011=that's all you do? great. 0012=somthing real neat is inside this barn 0013=heey franky 0014=i've seen some kicking ass in my time 0015=you stupid bastard 0016=devil guys 2 0017=let me have a go. no it's My turn. it's always your turn. shut UP! 0018=devil guys trying to find a way out 0019=this is gonna be interesting 001A=yeh. cash prizes 001B=paint bucket getting confused over paintbrush repeating him 001C=conker and franky disscussion 001D=conker and franky disscussion part 2 001E=before haybot battle 001F=haybot alert 0020=my nemesis is defeated 0021=mrs. catfish 0022=conker talking to carl 0023=conker talking to quentin 0024=carl 0025=i need the combination, thanks. 0026=now then ladies. there he is 0027=oh dear. he has a bad temper, doesn't he 0028=let me see.. 0029=give us back our money honey, and you'll get your dollar 002A=i thought you said it was a fortune! 002B=here's the NEW DEAL.. 002C=um, ladies. never mind the money for now.. 002D=hello. money! 002E=i gotta get off this thing 002F=cogs getting their revenge on carl 0030=Oh no, NOT Mr. Big Cog.. 0031=Conker's unpleasant reward 0032=conker tells about how it all began 0033=oow.. he hit me on my head 0034=would somebody mind telling me what's going on here 0035=umm.. oh, suit yourself 0036=nice doing ya guys 0037=get me the heck outta here 0038=the last assault 0039=i gotta do it. 003A=Ok soldier. move it out 003B=suzi 9 mm(Not used, it's used as a sound effect instead, but split in two.) 003C=buff you, asshole(Not used, it's used as a sound effect instead.) 003D=buga the knut(used or not?) 003E=buga the knut(used or not?) 003F=buga the knut(used or not?) 0040=buga the knut 0041=buga the knut 0042=buga the knut 0043=buga the knut 0044=buga the knut 0045=buga the knut 0046=buga the knut 0047=buga the knut 0048=buga the knut 0049=MY secret.. 004A=taunt the squirrel 004B=somebody's pleased to see me 004C=not quite sure what's going on here, but there seems to be a door over there 004D=you're going this way to? i take it, yeah. i just wait here and follow you guys 004E=this doesn't sound good 004F=is that the time? i gotta scout 0050=that's it, i got it, ok? 0051=nothing 0052=don't like the look of this.. 0053=ok big fella, i think it's time for our devours 0054=get that dang thing outta there 0055=oh oh. ranged combat.. 0056=cool. cash again 0057=oh my giddy aunt, this is NOT good 0058=i know you're not a vegetarian 0059=big boner, my ass! 005A=well, so ends another incident in my day 005B=i know we've had a good time together, but the fun's over now 005C=stop following me, go back.. 005D=psychology, always works with these animals 005E=who moved the line? 005F=bruce. get back in line.. stupid prat 0060=attack!! 0061=Uga about to blow the giant horn 0062=keep still 0063=conker hypnotizing raptor 0064=you got a problem 0065=this thing's attached on my back 0066=ah, another one. hi 0067=what the hell is that 0068=squirrel sergeant 0069=N64 Logo intro part 5 006A=N64 Logo intro part 7 006B=N64 Logo intro part 4 006C=N64 Logo intro(beta) 006D=nothing 006E=N64 Logo intro(beta) 006F=N64 Logo intro part 6 0070=N64 Logo intro part 2 0071=N64 Logo intro(beta) 0072=N64 Logo intro(beta) 0073=N64 Logo intro part 3 0074=N64 Logo intro part 1 0075=N64 Logo intro(beta) 0076=conker's first death 0077=conker meeting gregg the first time 0078=nothing 0079=all right whos this 007A=conker meets dung beetle in the poo cabin 007B=yeh, over there, a big ball of poo 007C=he's gone off you know, with another women 007D=sunflower giggle 007E=sunflower giggle 007F=sunflower giggle 0080=sunflower giggle 0081="the big breasted babe", part 1 0082="the big breasted babe", part 2 0083=tickly tail 0084=tickling bees 0085=looks like i need more tickling bees 0086=there ya go 0087=i feel like like a NEW man 0088=a bounce? 0089=now this is what i call a platform game 008A=the tune in the elevator 008B=ah well, in for a penny, in for a pound i suppose 008C=a little girl 008D=don't you worry little girl, i'll rescue you 008E=yeah, that was a blast. now, to sort out the ransom.. eeh, rescue the little girl 008F=yep yep yep, ok, come on. let's try and get you outta here 0090=oh it's you guys 0091=conker. NO(beta) 0092=Do you know what your FUCKIN' daughter did? 0093=what? i don't have a daugther 0094=I haven't been a little girl for some time now. 0095=i'm the brain, and the eyes. and he's the brawn 0096=Get outta the way. i'm takin over 0097=you little F... no, no. just keep my cool 0098=you little FUCKING squirrel.. No, no, Keep calm, Keep calm 0099=you FUCKING.. No, no, Keep calm, Keep calm 009A=first part of the experiment 009B=second part of the experiment 009C=third part of the experiment 009D=nothing 009E=My little babies.. Yes. My little babies. 009F=nothing 00A0=the tank's gone 00A1=he was a great guy 00A2=but, at least we showed that bitch who's boss 00A3=guess what, the show is not over 00A4=what's that? a lovely countdown 00A5=self destruct... give me STRENGTH 00A6=ah. seems to be a instruction book 00A7=i see. it's for the more complex stuff 00A8=it'll appear the first time you use a more complex zone 00A9=and if you need it again, then press L and B 00AA=to skip it, just press B 00AB=the catapult 00AC=let's see now, use control stick to aim 00AD=and Z to fire 00AE=that seems simple enough. 00AF=We got the squirrel, sire 00B0=squirrel sergeant telling the basics about the War Multiplayer 00B1=YOU WIN(War Multiplayer)(squirrel side) 00B2=tediz sergeant telling the basics about the War Multiplayer 00B3=YOU WIN(War Multiplayer)(tediz side) 00B4=Don Weaso telling the basics about the Heist Multiplayer 00B5=YOU WIN(Heist Multiplayer) 00B6=squirrel sergeant telling the basics about the Tank Multiplayer 00B7=YOU WIN(Tank Multiplayer) 00B8=surely can't get any worse than that 00B9=i think i'm lost, i'm outta here(beta?) 00BA=king bee 00BB=wanna go for a ride 00BC=dino stone head 00BD=uga being chased by boulder 00BE=and what can i do is for you is? 00BF=you cheatin' bastard 00C0=given up already huh? 00C1=oh, pft. chaarming.. 00C2=agh, that wasn't very nice. WAS IT!? 00C3=yep, that'll do 00C4=you got it 00C5=no! 00C6=somebody told you the wrong cheat 00C7=didn't work first time, ain't gonna work a second time, DIPSHIT 00C8=see ya 00C9=adios´ amigo 00CA="Game Over"(beta) 00CB=guess i'm not going back that way 00CC=antidrunk pills 00CD=execute private rodent 00CE=YOU LOSE(Heist Multiplayer) 00CF=nothing 00D0=YOU WIN(colors Multiplayer) 00D1=YOU LOSE(colors Multiplayer) 00D2=berri 00D3=more milk, sire? 00D4=i don't feel so good now.. 00D5=hang on a sec... 00D6=this way i suppose 00D7=it's gonna be one of those days 00D8=uh.. who are you? 00D9=you see those buttons? 00DA=ah.. i don't mind if i do 00DB=really nice helium 00DC=ah, don't mind if i do, thank you very much. 00DD=just what i needed 00DE=it's me again. mr. scarecrow Birdy 00DF=there you go. manual. just press B 00E0=i wanna go back in there, hurry up 00E1=oh. i can't seem to get any further.. i'm sure there was somthing 00E2=ah yes, now i remember.. hold the Z button down and i should crouch 00E3=now then what was it?.. oh yeah, press A to jump extra high.. 00E4=then A again to do that funny helicoptery tail thing 00E5=um. are you sure you got that? 00E6=hang on. there's somthing missing here.. didn't i have a. ahh. try pressing B and see what that does 00E7=where could we be now then... 00E8=oh. hi, i... 00E9=we nicked your money. money, money, money 00EA=let's go 00EB=time to teach those gyro spacers a lesson 00EC=i'm gonna be a bit late 00ED=the great mighty poo verse 2, part 3 00EE=the great mighty poo verse 4 00EF=the great mighty poo verse 1 00F0=the great mighty poo verse 2, part 1 00F1=the great mighty poo verse 2, part 2 00F2=the great mighty poo verse 3 00F3=oh, hello there... and what do you do then 00F4=hm. still not enough. 00F5=Hey, Berri! BERRI!.. Where'd she gone? BERRI! OH. She didn't recognize me with this on my head 00F6=Umm.. think i go that way 00F7=is that bridge safe? 00F8=oh-ooh.. i think it's about to... 00F9=Ah heck. looks like i'm not going that way just yet. 00FA=hey, how're you doing? wanna get rich?, you greedy bastard.(beta) 00FB=this day ain't turned out so bad after all 00FC=i said; NO, SNEAKERS. Buzz OFF. 00FD=hey maestro. 00FE=yeah. That's better! 00FF=conker picking up an passed out ugas hat 0100=Uga bugas new master 0101=horrified dung beetle describing the weird poo hand 0102=don't you know that you can block!! 0103=it's the Z BUTTON, YOU FOOL!! 0104=franky's dramatic moment, part 1 0105=franky's dramatic moment, part 2 0106=franky's dramatic moment, part 3 0107=franky's dramatic moment, part 4 0108=franky's dramatic moment, part 5 0109=franky's dramatic moment, part 6 010A=conker 'n gargoyle 010B=conker 'n gargoyle, part 2 010C=oh, seems to be another one of these B buttons. wonder what this one does(beta) 010D=plunger, with dynamite 010E=let's go and get some shuteye, finally 010F=the great mighty poo beaten, flushed down 0110=bowel moment 0111=berri 0112=berri 0113=berri 0114=berri 0115=Don Weaso, part 1 0116=Don Weaso, part 2 0117=Don Weaso Playing Pokémon(Beta) 0118=Don Weaso, part 3 0119=Don Weaso, part 4 011A=Don Weaso, part 5 011B=Don Weaso, part 6 011C=Don Weaso, part 7 011D=Don Weaso, part 8 011E=Don Weaso, part 9 011F=Don Weaso, part 10 0120=ze weasel prof, part 1 0121=ze weasel prof, part 2 0122=ze weasel prof, part 3 0123=ze weasel prof has found the problem, part 1 0124=ze weasel prof has found the problem, part 2 0125=ze weasel prof, part 4 0126=ze weasel prof's experiment 0127=i'm NOT a squirrel 0128=here it comes.. whatever it is 0129=yeah, that's right, i'm your mummy 012A=uga's revenge on stone guys 012B=Jugga scene, part 1 012C=Jugga scene, part 2 012D=i think it's time to leave this place. it's getting a bit noisy 012E=i think you need to see.. the boss 012F=i'll leave it up to you 0130=nothing 0131=could you get me outta here 0132=squirrel soldier getting shocked 0133=i think it's this one actually 0134=lock and load 0135=you killed them! 0136=you go first. .. oh, ok, i'll go first. ... go on then 0137=and she's away 0138=ok. do what ya like 0139=i always wanted to be in a class twenty two... 013A=hopefully that opened the door on the outside, but whatever it's done... 013B=hey guys, hold it there. there's anoter one 013C=we gotta get our asses here pronto. 013D=i made.. i made it. 013E=come and look at this 013F=war is a terrible thing... 0140=ah yeah, now i remember. countdown... 0141=he made it guys 0142=where did the windmill go 0143=where's the hive gone 0144=the cash deal 0145=chew on this, buzzsuckers 0146=thank you mr. squirrel 0147=somebody call for us 0148=who want some of us doughs 0149=mrs. bee 014A=some wise guy's tryin' to steal our nice new hive again. and it's the same little bastard 014B=no time to lose 014C=gregg 014D=gregg 014E=gregg 014F=a shotgun 0150=hmm.. let's go 0151=Conker being used as a leg 0152=have you got him, yet? 0153=have you got him, this time? 0154=right. do i have enough money now? 0155=you need 2110 dollars. come back, when you got it. see ya 0156=you need 2010 dollars. come back, when you got it. see ya(beta) 0157=there you go. now what 0158=count conkula conversation, part 3 0159=count conkula conversation, part 4 015A=count conkula conversation, part 5 015B=more tediz 015C=it's that bloody squirrel 015D=count conkula conversation, part 2 015E=count conkula conversation, part 6 015F=count conkula conversation, part 1 0160=that's another twelve souls 0161=YOU LOSE(Beach Multiplayer) 0162=newspaper 0163=YOU WIN(Beach Multiplayer) 0164=squirrel sergeant telling the basics about the Beach Multiplayer, part 1 0165=squirrel sergeant telling the basics about the Beach Multiplayer, part 2 0166=sweet corn. 0167=must have been out for some time, it's night 0168=i'm looking for some poo 0169=i think i get it 016A=cow 016B=he's a bit of a wild one 016C=cow 016D=cow 016E=cow 016F=cow 0170=cow 0171=cow 0172=why am i such, A FAT, BA.. 0173=death of the bull 0174=seems to be filled up with poo 0175=confidence pills 0176=right.. 0177=more zombies 0178=that doesn't happen to you everyday 0179=hmm. give me a break 017A=yeah, you're one in a million... speaking of which.. 017B=hey, like you can talk.. anyway, where do i start?.. Coome here, my little beauties.. 017C=Millionare!! 017D=who's this guy??.. 017E=looks like he was real after all.. 017F=right HERE boss 0180=sorry dollface. business, is business.. Adios. 0181=Hey, what THE?!.. 0182=boss? you're feeling alright? 0183=what's going ON here?? 0184=WHAAT the!?... 0185=i thought i told you to leave town.. 0186=am i interrupting somthing here? 0187=he's not a wonderful creature, is he? 0188=take us into orbit, yeah. 0189=KILL, heinrich 018A=nothing 018B=ze weasel professor being tucked out to space 018C=nothing 018D=end cutscene part 1 018E=end cutscene part 2 018F=end cutscene part 3 0190=end cutscene part 4 0191=end cutscene part 5 0192=end cutscene part 6 0193=end cutscene part 7 0194=end cutscene part 8 0195=end cutscene part 9 0196=end cutscene part 10 0197=end cutscene part 11 0198=end cutscene part 12 0199=cool. laughing all the way to the bank 019A=who wants to be a millionare? me. actually 019B=jetpacks and butlers, here we come 019C=cool. i'll be able to get rid of my morgage, and buy my car. excellent 019D=yeah. let's hope there's more where that came from 019E=cool. i can put this with the rest of my dead presidents 019F=yeah, more sponduli 01A0=yeah, i think the rounds on me 01A1=cool. i'm gonna have that gold card before you know 01A2=gargoyle 01A3=squirrel sergeant telling the basics about the Colors Multiplayer 01A4="we got the flag, we got the flag"(squirrel soldiers) 01A5=tediz telling the basics about the Colors Multiplayer 01A6=tediz telling the basics about the Beach Multiplayer 01A7="we got the flag, we got the flag"(tediz) 01A8=A villager escapes the beach 01A9=1000 dollars, should do it(if conker doesn't have enough money to get past the toll) 01AA=conker whistling back his money 01AB=get away from her you BITCH! 01AC=end cutscene part 13 01AD=end cutscene part 14 01AE=end cutscene part 15 01AF=end cutscene part 16 01B0=here i'am, ya greedy bastard 01B1=oh. another wise guy. c'mon then 01B2=hey, i'm here. hurry up, pick me up, shithead 01B3=hey where the fuck you've been, ya ginger bastard 01B4=need to get her over there somehow 01B5=looks like she's just about ready to go 01B6=and if i'm a lot more confident, then i should be able to swim underwater now. hmmmm... how would i do that? let's see... 01B7=press B. and that should submerge me 01B8=then once i'm underwater, hold down B to make me swim 01B9=pull the control stick in the direction you wanna go. that's it. 01BA=count conkula 01BB=count conkula 01BC=count conkula's death 01BD=fantastic 01BE=yeah, go on, get the other one 01BF=MARVELOUS! 01C0=thanks -- , now go, fuck off with ya(beta??) 01C1=the vault lifting off into space 01C2=You got to watch the cutscenes at least ONCE 01C3=Please place any metallic objects in the tray. Thank you 01C4=Uga telling the basics about the Raptor multiplayer 01C5=YOU WIN(Raptor Multiplayer) 01C6=i'm not quite dead 01C7=hmm. ten 'o clock 01C8=ok. i see you in a bit 01C9=Warning! Warning! Airlock open, air pressure, compromised! 01CA=throw the alien out, and shut the bloody door 01CB=you're not very good at this are you? 01CC=NO, you FOOL. it's the large EXIT thing that you want to be aiming for, idiot! 01CD=look you stupid squirrel. take him off and chuck him out!